All posters are in Nepali language and sized 15–19” x 22–25”

The Three Food Groups Needed for Health
25 Nrs

Food for Pregnant and Lactating Women
25 Nrs

Jwaano: large poster 35 rupees, leaflet only 10 rupees
Poster plus complimentary leaflet: 35 Nrs, leaflet only: 10 Nrs. Promoting ‘omum seed’ as a good source of calcium and to increase lactation in mothers

The Benefits of Breastfeeding and The Dangers of Bottlefeeding
25 Nrs

“Sarbottam Pitho”
25 Nrs
How to make the nutritious weaning food ‘Super flour’, using soya beans, wheat and maize.

Iodine: The Problems Caused by Deficiency
25 Nrs

Let’s Protect Ourselves and Others From Anaemia
25 Nrs

Vitamin A: Signs of Deficiency, At-Risk Groups & Main Sources
25 Nrs

As well as Breastmilk, Nutritious Weaning Foods from 6 months
25 Nrs
For more information on, or to order any of these resources, please contact the NPCS office.