SUAAHARA Multisectoral Nutrition Initiative (2011 — 2016)



NPCS con­tributed to the devel­op­ment of this inno­v­a­tive and ambi­tious project to improve the health of Nepali women and young chil­dren. The large-scale project aimed to create long-lasting improve­ments to the health and nutri­tion of preg­nant women, lac­tat­ing mothers and under‑2 chil­dren by using a mul­ti­sec­toral approach.

Funded by USAID-Nepal and managed by Save the Chil­dren Fund, NPCS was assigned to imple­ment the project in Syangja and Parbat districts.

Project out­comes

More than 11,000 mothers and family members were reached with indi­vid­ual coun­selling about improv­ing nutrition

More than 3000 health, agri­cul­ture and other com­mu­nity workers and vol­un­teers were trained in essen­tial nutri­tion and hygiene actions and behav­ioural change strategies

The capac­ity of 26 health posts and out­reach clinics were strength­ened, and nutri­tion areas were estab­lished in almost 60 health facilities

More than 4000 women and key com­mu­nity leaders were trained in home veg­etable gardening

8000 women and vol­un­teers received seeds for out-of-season vegetables

More than 2000 house­holds in eco­nom­i­cally dis­ad­van­taged com­mu­ni­ties received chick­ens for poultry and eggs