Pamphlets & Miscellaneous Resources

All pam­phlets and resources are in Nepali language.

Nutri­tion Handbook

25 NRS

Food-based Approach Nutri­tion Flipchart for Com­mu­nity Trainings

250 Nrs

Nutri­tious Recipes

75 Nrs

Good Nutri­tion for School Children…for a brighter future

15 Nrs

Dia­betes Diet Sheet

10 NRS

4 page leaflet giving dietary guide­lines for those with dia­betes in a format easily under­stood by the public without the need for health staff to explain

Diet sheet for hyper­ten­sion and healthy heart

10 NRS

4 page leaflet giving advice on lifestyle mea­sures to control blood pres­sure, includ­ing weight
control, reduc­ing fat intake, a low salt diet, and exercise

What to eat when you are sick? 

10 NRS

 4 page leaflet giving advice to patients and their fam­i­lies on how main­tain good nutri­tion intake during illness and lack of appetite.

Reduce your weight, Improve your health 

20 NRS

12 page booklet on how to lose weight includ­ing a calorie-counted meal plan

— Protein Energy Mal­nu­tri­tion:
Small hand­book describ­ing signs, symp­toms and treat­ment of various types of mal­nu­tri­tion.
— 35Nrs

Nutri­tion for Preg­nant Women*:
Colour pam­phlet
— 25 Nrs

The Impor­tance of Good Nutri­tion
for Ado­les­cent Girls*:
Small hand­book on the nutri­tion needs of this impor­tant group.
— 35 Nrs

Nutri­tion Infor­ma­tion Flipchart:
with full-colour photos, a com­pre­hen­sive guide for nutri­tion train­ers,
— 200 Nrs

Good Nutri­tion for Kidney Disease:
6 page leaflet for people with chronic kidney disease, Stage 3 and above (dial­y­sis or con­ser­v­a­tive man­age­ment),
— 15 Nrs

Mid-upper Arm Cir­cum­fer­ence (MUAC) Tape: 
 3‑coloured (green, yellow, red) tape for mea­sur­ing a child’s MUAC, giving a simple and imme­di­ate assess­ment of their nutri­tional status.
— 50 Nrs

Lam­i­nated Photos:
A large variety of photos, in both black & white and colour, for use in nutri­tion train­ings and demon­stra­tions. 7”x 9“ or  8”x 12”, depend­ing on photo.
— price vari­able accord­ing to order

* Pro­duced by NPCS in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Min­istry of Health, Nepal Government

For more infor­ma­tion on, or to order any of these resources, please contact the NPCS office.